28th December 2022

A thought from George Ford

“I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full.”
(John 10:10)


Here Jesus is speaking of Himself as the Good Shepherd who loves and cares for his sheep. Who walked with them in all the difficulty of their daily existence, and would willing lay down his life for them. Jesus entered into our world that we might know God’s love for us. And through His death and resurrection we might receive the fullness of life he came to bring – all the freedom from guilt and sin brings, and to have it in full abundance.


Loving Lord Jesus who stepped down into al the difficulty and mire of this world and into our lives as both human, and divine, Becoming a baby in a manger, a teacher and healer of those who followed Him, before dying on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins . Shine your light of love on to all that is wrong in our hearts we pray and forgive us for wandering from your pathway And shine your Light of love, joy, peace, and hope into our hearts and lives anew today. That knowing your forgiveness, and strengthened by your Spirit we might shine your light on to paths of others around us, to the everlasting praise of your name.


The Light of Christ has come into the world; The Light of Christ has come into the world. All men must be born again to see the Kingdom of God; The water and the Spirit bring new life in God’s love. The light of Christ has come into the world; The light of Christ has come into the world. The light of Christ has come into the world: The light of Christ has come into the world.
(Donald Fishel, 1974)


4th January 2023


21st December 2022